The Consultant's Desk

The Consultant's Desk
Poring over the details on your behalf

Monday, March 25, 2013


You may have come to the point of anticipating the posts that Charity Rowell was writing as she interned on The Consultant's Desk. Her mission was to share with us the concepts she was learning through her studies. We grew with her as she talked about concepts she gained from her classes in Human Resource Management, protocols that are being taught, interpretations of terminology, and other wisdom coming from the advanced education system.

She did a good job of sharing what she's getting from the classes she attended. We benefited by her generous sharing of the documents she produced as class projects. They can serve as models when you need a starting point for something similar.

Charity was an intern in search of real world experiences and places to share the development of her education. It seems she reached that plateau. She wanted to stretch into unexplored areas. We decided it was time for her to start making her management decisions on her own blog. You can continue to follow the evolution of her development there.

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