The Consultant's Desk

The Consultant's Desk
Poring over the details on your behalf

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Remember the Fine Print

We recently talked about the steps involved in making a decision about purchasing an anti-virus program (Finding the Right Security) Throughout that post, you were discouraged from making the price of the program the primary driver of reaching a conclusion. That practice is true in nearly all situations whether it be in relation to hiring, entertainment, or any other endeavor. The main driver is what is offered and the value it has for the end user. Also involved is actually receiving what is put forth as the entire end product.

What's Included

Sometimes you see a really bargain price for what seems to be the entire package. (Whoa! We can't pass on this.) It's nabbed and taken "home." Then the unpackaging happens. What's discovered is the purchase was actually the barest elements. It's on the order of buying a car. There's the shell of the car but those little things such as seats, steering wheel, radio, heater, windows, and so on are the "extras". So the $100 car has a few extra items that are needed in order for it to serve its purpose. Likewise, those few extras have an additional cost. (Remember the ditty about Cheap Flights?)

If the product or service is only described as the bare bones, be certain to look into what it takes to get the entire suite of services that are needed. Of course, maybe those extras aren't immediately needed and are "nice to have"s today. Find out how much it's going to cost to add them at a later time. It may be there's another package, or even aother product elsewhere, that will be better suited to your needs.

What About the Extras

When you're bargaining for the product, are both of you speaking the same language? You use one term and have certain things in mind. Whereas, the other party has a totally different concept of what that term means. For example, one website was seeking copy editors who were to check the editor's (who was really the author of the article) content before it was published. What was meant by the term "copy editor" - one who corrects the content - was actually the duties of a proofreader - a person who merely marks spelling errors (using standard American grammar), typos, and missing punctuation. Correcting those issues was another matter that was the responsibility of the author/editor. Make certain there's a clear understanding of what you want and need compared with what is being offered.

Asking questions about what's to be expected on delivery is reasonable. Find out whether there are affiliated services that may be required. Learn what the cost of those affiliated services is or whether those expenses can be included in the single quote.

Then There's Renewal

Perhaps what is today's service is not a one-time deal but needs to be renewed in order to maintain it. The contract needs to be renewed on a regular basis. The price paid today may be the introductory price that is actually the bargain. The regular price may be 30 percent higher (or more). Ascertain what the regular price is before commiting to the purchase.

Some businesses offer a notification of when it's time to renew the service agreement. Some do not; they simply put the account on automatic renewal and collect their fee at the then prevailing rate (which may have undergone price index adjustment). Determine what the renewal terms are and whether you're comfortable with them.

The Research Is Worth Your Time

These may seem like niggling details. They are not. What you want is a valid bargained-for exchange. These are important aspects in regard to knowing what to expect when the box is opened and the product is put into use.

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