The Consultant's Desk

The Consultant's Desk
Poring over the details on your behalf

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

OD and Title VII Consulting

There's a curious thing about being an Organization Development (OD) Consultant. Few in the recruiting and HR spaces understand what it is. Then toss in a specialty in Title VII (also known as Diversity and Inclusion) and eyes begin to blur. How does one succinctly but definitively describe that role? It's a hybrid. And when you toss in a few ancillary matters such as training and development, compliance, ethics, and workplace (or domestic) abuse, the waters get very muddy for many.

Said succinctly, RapidBI explains that OD's focus is on improvement via ". . . a complex strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, culture and structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets, and challenges." It's about performance improvement.

What's the correct job title for such a person? Perhaps we should look to a job description site for the right fit. However, job search expert, Ed Han, as well as many of his advocates, recommends creating your own title that describes who you are and what you do. Now there's a challenge. Aptly admitted by David Wride, OD is not the same as HR. The waters are pretty murky. It isn't about recruiting and hiring yet it's associated with making certain you've got the right input that will result in the optimal output for the organization.

However, I'm getting away from the mission of this writing. The focus is why this OD consultant loves the hybrid HR/recruiting work. Still, the fundamentals of OD dive deep into the necessity to research and analyze what's happening before implementing any form of change that's intended to improve the organization in regard to its people, its culture, its product and brand, and its overall effectiveness and profitability.

First, There's the Legal Aspect

Our legal system has various entities that strive to exact fairness among the participants in the "marketplace." With regard to labor and employment, especially those who have differences, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB in relation to union issues) provide guidance. However, there are other entities and there are federal as well as state laws that guide what are the proper practices. There is also case law that serves as guidance. When trying to determine what is happening and how to best address the situation, it's a good idea to research what the actual rules are and how they're applied in order to reach the best outcome. It's important to know not only the "how" but the driving force of "why" in order to come to a best possible solution. The law is the orderliness of all things; it's the rule book that helps keep things in order.

The Seldom Discussed Issue: Compliance

After knowing where to find the rules, and then forming an accurate interpretation of what they are, when they're applied, and the effect on the situation, it's important to make certain there's adherence to them. It makes for a greater amount of sanity in the environment.

To be certain, compliance is not a matter of "you must not do" as much as making certain the playing field is as open to all participants as possible while protecting many of the interests involved. The OD consultant is not only helpful with regard to compliance matters, the OD consultant finds the empowerment that is buoyed through adhering to the rules - or at least understands why those rules work toward a betterment of the situations that arise and need to be addressed before they become the tempest.

Ethics in the Mix

Still part and parcel with regard to the law and compliance is the matter of ethics. Ethics examines the fairness of matters, given the circumstances. Ethics relates to the proper way of doing things so that the organization and those who are part of it are putting forth reliable end product. Ethics is about being held accountable for what is related to proper governance.

"Is it ethical?" may be the driving question. However, researching, understanding, and knowing the answer, based on the law, is an exciting asset.

Workplace Culture and Morale

Examination of the workplace, all of it, is critical to producing the most desirable end product, whether goods or services. Sometimes it only takes a quick immersion into the workplace to become aware of where the strengths and where the weaknesses reside. Poor workplace culture results in poor morale. Those two aspects combined spell a high turnover rate and employment (not to mention product) costs that are inflated while offering poor return on investment (ROI). They also mean a workplace that is in a constant state of churn - and possibly disarray and confusion.,

Being part of the means of finding solutions is also exciting. Setting the proper tone, as well as providing equity among the participants, respecting them as individuals whose differences have value to the overall health of where they are, is so critical. It is also a brand magnet because customers and clients are immediately struck by the health of the organization; it drives their decisions about repeat business.

Training and Development

Is the universe expanding to an infinite point or is it expanding to a predictable distance only to collapse back onto itself? That same question can be posed to an organization. Are the members of it in a state of expanding their knowledge and skills, constantly offered the opportunity to continue to grow? In the alternative, are the members of the organization allowed to reach a particular plateau and then find themselves in a persistent vegetative state until they die, retire, or just become so obsolete that they're terminated? I like the idea that the universe is expanding into yet undiscovered areas. Organizations and people should follow that prescription - in a constant state of growth and being revived and renewed by the advances in knowledge, through the use of ever-improving technology and tools.

The Bottom Line

There's so much more to be said about the OD consultant, especially with regard to Title VII Diversity and Inclusion. However, the bottom line is OD is not really recruiting. It isn't even an actual part of HR. Instead, it's that vitally necessary middle ground that helps to bring those two functions together to form the best possible performance at many levels and in innumerable ways.

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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Remember the Fine Print

We recently talked about the steps involved in making a decision about purchasing an anti-virus program (Finding the Right Security) Throughout that post, you were discouraged from making the price of the program the primary driver of reaching a conclusion. That practice is true in nearly all situations whether it be in relation to hiring, entertainment, or any other endeavor. The main driver is what is offered and the value it has for the end user. Also involved is actually receiving what is put forth as the entire end product.

What's Included

Sometimes you see a really bargain price for what seems to be the entire package. (Whoa! We can't pass on this.) It's nabbed and taken "home." Then the unpackaging happens. What's discovered is the purchase was actually the barest elements. It's on the order of buying a car. There's the shell of the car but those little things such as seats, steering wheel, radio, heater, windows, and so on are the "extras". So the $100 car has a few extra items that are needed in order for it to serve its purpose. Likewise, those few extras have an additional cost. (Remember the ditty about Cheap Flights?)

If the product or service is only described as the bare bones, be certain to look into what it takes to get the entire suite of services that are needed. Of course, maybe those extras aren't immediately needed and are "nice to have"s today. Find out how much it's going to cost to add them at a later time. It may be there's another package, or even aother product elsewhere, that will be better suited to your needs.

What About the Extras

When you're bargaining for the product, are both of you speaking the same language? You use one term and have certain things in mind. Whereas, the other party has a totally different concept of what that term means. For example, one website was seeking copy editors who were to check the editor's (who was really the author of the article) content before it was published. What was meant by the term "copy editor" - one who corrects the content - was actually the duties of a proofreader - a person who merely marks spelling errors (using standard American grammar), typos, and missing punctuation. Correcting those issues was another matter that was the responsibility of the author/editor. Make certain there's a clear understanding of what you want and need compared with what is being offered.

Asking questions about what's to be expected on delivery is reasonable. Find out whether there are affiliated services that may be required. Learn what the cost of those affiliated services is or whether those expenses can be included in the single quote.

Then There's Renewal

Perhaps what is today's service is not a one-time deal but needs to be renewed in order to maintain it. The contract needs to be renewed on a regular basis. The price paid today may be the introductory price that is actually the bargain. The regular price may be 30 percent higher (or more). Ascertain what the regular price is before commiting to the purchase.

Some businesses offer a notification of when it's time to renew the service agreement. Some do not; they simply put the account on automatic renewal and collect their fee at the then prevailing rate (which may have undergone price index adjustment). Determine what the renewal terms are and whether you're comfortable with them.

The Research Is Worth Your Time

These may seem like niggling details. They are not. What you want is a valid bargained-for exchange. These are important aspects in regard to knowing what to expect when the box is opened and the product is put into use.

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Finding the Right Security

The adage is "You get what you pay for." That is definitely a truism is many situations. However, sometimes what's paid doesn't match the quality of what's received. There needs to be analysis and comparison before a decision is made. This is even more true as we move into increased use of the Internet and cyber strategies. Hacking of company files in order to access records is not something novel. The most recent incidents involved hospital records as well as retaliation for an entertainment company's planned release of a new movie.

Also important is what the budget is with regard to the type and amount of security that is used. Budget for a Fortune 1000 corporation is going to be vastly different from that for a medium-sized company. And a SOHO or start-up is going to need something but faces the challenge of affordability.

Types of Threats

Before we get into affordability, budget, and the size of the enterprise, we need to start with the first step. There needs to be an analysis of what is considered a threat (and therefore a vulnerability). Perhaps it isn't a threat at all because there are already prophylactics in place that have good integrity. Then again, maybe there aren't. Besides that, who knows what's lurking out there in the great cyber-unknown. Some authorities say there are five types of vulnerabilities while others say there are as many as eight. It's important to pay attention to when these opinions were made. Over time, new issues arise and require different strategies to address them. Regardless of how many types of weak spots there are, it's important to develop good security protocols and adhere to them. The Cadillac of protection will be useless if best practices for use are not followed.


Now that the types of threats are known, now that the frequency of exposure is appreciated, it's time to consider what attributes your existing protection offers and whether it needs to be enhanced in some way. Things to consider are:

  • How reliable manufacturer is when it comes to providing support.
  • How often the software is updated.
  • What the reports and reviews have to say about the product.
  • How effective it's proven to be.
  • The size of your enterprise (number of employees, their locations, whether there are satellites in foreign countries).
  • Whether or not a back-up system is used.
  • There's this interesting thing called insurance against loss.
  • Of course, what's the budget.


Now that all these matters are in the checklist and they've been honestly considered, it's time to compare the attributes of what's on the market. Is a Cadillac really needed or will a Chevy be satisfactory?


The analysis is completed. Comparisons are done. More informed than before. It's time to make a choice of purchase a new program or upgrade. Whatever the case at this point, whether paid or free, you should be fully aware of what's at stake and what you've bargained for.

Be Safe

This is no longer the early days of the Internet. There are perils in cyberspace that threaten our security at home, in schools, and in business. The more we rely on electronic devices to do things for us, the more important security is to our welfare. Should we consider some form of protection for the new frontier - artificial intelligence and self-driving vehicles? We can talk about that on another day. Just make certain you're safe wherever you are and while doing what you need to do.

Errata (March 23, 2018): One resource provided talked about "Top 5 Best Free Anti Virus Software." After further investigation, it was discovered that none of the programs are free. One offers a free, limited period trial. Another offers free mobile device protection as part of its product. Finally, another program includes free cloud storage. All five products come with a fee and varying terms that accompany payment terms.


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Friday, February 02, 2018

They Didn't Apply

Some managers believe they are fully informed about good management practices. They proclaim their qualifications in terms of association with others in similar capacities or familial involvement in management. The trouble is, these types have no formal training in management or leadership and they have not been groomed for the responsibilities of the position.

When it comes to inclusion, it's important to let everyone in your department know about the event or the open position so that they may choose to attend the event or apply for the position. It is rationalized that some do not attend events because they chose to stay away. Likewise, some reason that some employees do not apply for open positions because they were not interested. The problem with the reasoning in either situation is that the employee was not aware of the opportunity. The choice to not be in attendance or to not compete for the position was removed from their discretion and they were, therefore, excluded from it.

The Open Position

Penny Morey tells us it's simply good management practice to post notice about a new open position internally. There may be workers who are very qualified for the position who were previously invisible to management. There may be others who are interested in that type of position. This is their opportunity to learn more about what it takes to be qualified to compete.

Some companies have a candidate in mind but have guidelines that require the posting of the availability. That candidate has already been pre-screened and probably has been trained in the disciplines of the position. But there may be others who have been quietly going about performing their duties, doing what they're told to do, and polishing their skills through off-duty classes or via social and service organizations. What a loss if one of your long standing loyal is also the best qualified and has been interfacing with the clientele to develop their loyalty to your brand and product - for years.

Susan M. Heathfield explains why it's a good idea to internally post a notice of open positions first from several perspectives. Generically speaking, the requirement may be among the policies listed in the employee handbook. Another reason is in relation to a union shop and the terms of a labor agreement or where the position is in civil service.

Even if the company is not bound by the terms of a bargaining agreement or civil service requirements, it's a good idea to internally post notice of open positions in order to develop a culture where the workforce feels there is opportunity for career growth and development. It's another form of transparency. And it tends to nurture camaraderie by having other team members do what they can to support the one who is vying for the new situation. The practice tends to build morale.

We're not just talking out of the top of our hat. Consider the admonitions of the EEOC when it comes to posting job opportunities and policies in regard to other matters concerning employment.

Did You Go to the Company Picnic?

The company promo says, "We're a fun and inclusive place. There are monthly group activities for all employees. Morale is important here. That's why you'll find happy, satisfied workers serving our clients with the best attitude and abilities ever." The trouble is, only certain ones get the notice about those monthly group activities. The ones who didn't attend? They heard about the event - two days later as an overheard conversation.

If it's an inclusive environment, if there's a desire for healthy diversity, if there's a plan to grow the workforce in order to keep pace with an increasing demand for the company's product, there needs to be a team atmosphere. Cliques just don't work. The result of those will be high turnover and increased costs due to advertising, screening, intake, training, and other factors. Those are dollars that could be put to better use by simply using better talent management strategies.

And Then There's Training

As we've been considering the matter of transparency and inclusiveness with regard to notification of open positions and with regard to internal events, the importance of notifying personnel about the availability of training is also important. It's important for the business to grow in order to keep pace with demands. It's also important to keep pace with innovations and improvements in processes, equipment, and style of delivery. Additionally, there are some members of the workforce who are very interested in continuing to develop themselves and their career opportunities within the company. Remaining in a static position is not everyone's cup of tea.

When there is a company sponsored training, it's wise to alert your personnel. Sometimes a simple notice on the bulletin board will suffice. But they need to know it's available. Of course, they can attend a training elsewhere. But it would be more desirable to attend a training that has company approval so that there's assurance that the content will be in consonance with the needs of the enterprise. Just make certain that the ones who attend the training have ample opportunity to practice what was learned and also apply the training to actual projects.

They Chose Not to - False

It may be convenient to say there were those who were absent by choice. The critical issue is whether they were aware that there was even a choice to be made. Constructive and actual notice are concepts applied to law and real estate, not to participation in activities or vying for a position open to all who are qualified.

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Friday, November 10, 2017

SHRM Requirements

There are times when it's necessary to complete a proposal either for work or to be a presenter. In the talent management industry, there is an organization called Society for Human Resources Management, affectionately spoken of by its acronym, SHRM, and pronounced as "Sherm" (like the human companion for Mr. Peabody; but I digress).

SHRM sets standards for maintaining their certification of knowledge and expertise. Likewise, they set forth activities that show focused effort in developing meaningful, insightful content delivered by presenters. It's worthwhile to be acquainted with those standards. It helps in developing an accurate picture of the competency that can be presented. It's extremely useful in determining whether a presenter is qualified. This is in addition to their body of work either in writing or history of presenting and speaking.

Certification examiners and education providers can be found in many places. Not all are SHRM associations. In fact, there are some companies that are in the business of providing that education. They're global.

Recertification is focused on three categories of maintaining professional excellence:

  • Advance Your Education
  • Advance Your Organization
  • Advance Your Profession

These areas are discussed in the SHRM BoCK (Body of Competency and Knowledge).

There are different types of presentations. For example, the most strenuous is the keynote. That's a solo performance. The speaker is expected to leave the audience inspired and motivated. There are other solo performances such as workshops and seminars. Those are focused on educating the audience. Some are also done by a panel or shared presentation. When it's a shared situation, even more skill is required because there needs to be coordination among the panelists. Strategically speaking, that can be very advantageous. It can also test one's EQ levels and abilities to negotiate. Focus on the outcome is the measure of excellence.

The point is these standards are useful both from the perspective of someone seeking a speaker or a trainer as well as for the one who is submitting a proposal and wants their content to qualify for SHRM credits (whether for certification, continuing education, or for recertification). They're also a useful reference point when interviewing and hiring.

What about knowledge and experience gained from being deep in the trenches and emerging with successful outcomes? What about sharing that knowledge and the strategies that gave rise to them? At the moment, I can't find that information. Needless to say, some awareness comes not from reading the book or sitting in the class but from actual execution and creativity with regard to developing solutions that fit the situation. Perhaps it also depends on how deep and wide the "trail of blood" is in getting there. I'll leave those answers to some of the ones who know more about applying credits from work (and not workplace) experience.

Meanwhile, it's wise to know what the standards are. It's prudent to make the effort to reach and even surpass those standards, no matter which industry is the focus. There's always a standard for excellence.


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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A VITAL Organization

There are times when we need to recite the meaning of the associations we've developed. After some time passes, we forget the fervor that went into striving to earn the distinctions those associations merit and symbolize. The initials become tantamount to year-old tattoos. We're no longer aware that they're even there; they're simply part of who we are.

An employer needs to know (or is that "wants" to know) what the initials "C.A.C." mean. Well, if you look up the organization that issues that certification, you'll find it is issued by the California Staffing Professionals Association (CSP), the California complement of the American Staffing Association (ASA).

Check the CSP home page and you'll discover they bill themselves as a "VITAL" organization. But all of those letters are capitalized. That means "VITAL" is an acronym. What the letters stand for are concepts that are representative of what the organization is and qualities it offers.






There are a number of certifications that are available through evaluative testing performed by both the national as well as the state-level organizations. Successful performance will earn the applicant a particular designation to represent their knowledge and expertise. The ASA lists the types of certifications available through them. The CSP (Certified Staffing Professional) used to be the initials for the credential earned through the CSP organization. That state designation changed its name circa 2000 and became known as CAC or California Accredited Consultant. It still represents the same accomplishments. The rigors are limited to California laws instead of state as well as federal laws. It still requires knowledge of ethical practices.

The CSP has a continuing education requirement; the CAC does not. (Please, don't ask me why.) In a way, the lack of continuing education requirement is a bit disappointing. But when you consider that one who is passionate about their profession will be taking as many steps as possible to remain abreast of industry practices and knowledge, it makes sense that the requirement no longer exists. Additionally, one who is actively practicing will in all likelihood also be attending chapter meetings and thereby staying up to date on innovations through the educational section of each meeting.

You may be wondering about the significance of certifications and credentials. (Maybe you're not.) Unearthing the language that provides the official CSP explanation of their CAC brought me to a site called Designation Check. They have a page, Credentials Explained, where the various types of credentials are explained, whether there are any differences between a "designation" and a "certification", and more. It's useful to gain an understanding and appreciation of the document (or the initials) that represents the distinction the person holds. It appears Designation Check's specialty is in the area of finance. The information they provide is reliable with regard to certifications for any industry. Certification is a standard practice for any profession.

Back to being a VITAL organization. Back to an examination of whether you've found a consultant. Some have dotted all their "i"s and crossed all their "t"s. They've earned their credential through a valid organization that maintains their standards over time. NOLO tells us about other aspects of starting a consulting business in California. One of them is having a license, which can be a simple as obtaining a fictitious business name (a "dba") through the county where the business is being conducted. It's good for five years. It's required because it helps the public realize it is a business they're dealing with or a group of owners who are operating under a particularly formulated name; it isn't the name of an individual. Also, the dba basically tells the (local) government that this is a business and it may pursue and defend its rights in a court of law under the registered name of the business. Otherwise, the individual doing business under that name has no standing. (Further explanation is required but in another writing.) Once the registration is renewed, so is the standing. The legitimacy of the business is otherwise not affected.

Likewise, if the certifying organization has stopped requiring continuing education and proof of it, the prudent practitioner will continue to enhance their knowledge through various alternative (but reliable) channels and keep track of those "credits". They will continue to be vital, especially if they've needed to step away from things for one reason or another and later decide to re-enter the field.

As with any other profession when you're evaluating the consultant, you'll want to do some screening. Pay attention to what they've been doing in lateral areas. Should you decide to hire them, you'll start them on what should be manageable and then increase the difficulty level as your relationship evolves and your organization can become VITAL because of the quality input you've chosen.

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

More Workplace Abuse Resources

It's with great dismay that a particular page needs to be closed. The reason for the reluctance is because the content is so useful (and I need the laptop resources). The site is called "When An Abuser Goes to Work" and is authored by Patricia G. Barnes, J.D. Patricia also focuses on age discrimination at Age Discrimination in Employment. Unlike Chai Feldblum, Patricia has not been an EEOC Commissioner. But she has been a judge and is a lawyer. Their advocacy is Title VII related but on specific aspects of enforcement of rights for particular constituents.

When you visit her LinkedIn profile, you'll notice that Chai has a strong leaning toward supporting gay and lesbian rights. She is a contributor to a book title on religion and same-sex marriage. She also keeps her followers up to date on the outcome of EEOC age discrimination cases (that were not under her purview).

Patricia has written on a wide swath of Title VII issues, in addition to workplace abuses. Yes, it is entirely possible to visit her blog to learn what she's published. But I'd like to preserve at least some of those titles here (until I can move them to my website's Library) where we'll have a quick reference to her insights on the subjects.

Pat Barnes' list of aggressive behaviors in the workplace is not only enlightening, it's what's been considered offensive and abusive over time. Failing to respond to phone calls and messages is the classic. Recruiters (both retained and staffing industry) use the excuse that they're too busy. Too busy to get someone (a motivated worker) employed? No one comes up with a spoken excuse for interrupting. However, the underlying message is what the person has to say isn't important. The other unspoken message is the one doing the interrupting is entitled to do so; they are privileged.

There are times when an interruption is a kind gesture. The train of thought is meandering or drifting into whining. The speaker needs to get refocused. Sometimes they may be exhibiting distress and needs to regather their thoughts. Many times, unfortunately, none of those reasons are the case. There was no kindness intended. The one doing the interrupting is simply showing they have very little regard for the one who was speaking.

There are a lot of behaviors that demonstrate abuse in the workplace. Perhaps taking in what these two authors have to say on the subject will help make us more aware and more inclined to discourage the behavior.

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